
Episode Eight - Synopsis - Texas Hold ‘Em

Stinkyfinger and Quincy Bonobo challenge each other to a high stakes poker game at The Stinky Pinky. It is to be shown live on The Bizarro Channel. Raspi Calaka grins in delight as he considers the advertising opportunities. 

A rich Texan oil magnate flies into the island for the game. Stinkyfinger and Quincy get competitive and their betting gets out of control. They bet the whole of Schwarz Island in a 3 way play-off with the Texan. 

The game is a disaster for them and the rich oil magnate wins ownership of Schwarz Island in the show's finale. 

While Quincy and Stinkyfinger argue on live TV over whose fault it was, the Texan makes plans to turn Schwarz Island into a circus theme park. 

A week goes by and tourists have flooded into the island. Life becomes unbearable for all the creatures. Commercialism takes over - Quincy, Stinkyfinger and Swiggidy are caged up in a monkey enclosure and made to perform ridiculous circus tricks. 

Quincy and Stinkyfinger have to make up and work together to save the day and raise enough money to buy back the island.

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