
Episode Four Synopsis - Vasterbotten RoboSux

Blojab Stinkyfinger announces the grand opening of the brand new bigger, better and bawdier Stinky Pinky Stripclub. He organizes a huge party with loads of paparazzi. Due to a restraining order, Quincy Bonobo is forbidden from being within 100ft of the establishment and misses out on the big party. 

Egged on by Swiggidy (who is cutting his hair like a barber at the time) - Quincy Bonobo writes Stinkyfinger an anonymous letter from a "fan" detailing all of Stinkyfingers physical flaws. 

As a result, Stinkyfinger develops a vanity issue and becomes overly concerned with his body image. 

The next morning, whilst watching the Bizarro Channel, Stinkyfinger sees an advertisement for medical trials testing new make-up products for chimps.. wanting to be on the cutting edge of fashion and change his appearance - he volunteers to be the first volunteer. 
Meanwhile, Raspi Calaka - the shopping TV mogul has ordered a brand new product to be sold on The Bizarro Channel.

It's called the "Vasterbotten RoboSux" - an ingenious device especially designed for apes and monkeys so that they can trim their unruly body hair. Designed around a vacuum device that sucks away the thick, smelly hair - the new product will be a big hit on Schwarz Island.

Quincy is hosting his show and pitching the new product - personally demonstrating the device on his own unruly stomach fur when he discovers that the "The RoboSux" nozzle sucks a little too nicely around his loins and he begins to lose control of his primal forces.

As the device drifts south and the pleasure begins - once again, Quincy "Goes Bonobo" live on television and his "self-indulgence" causes another terrifying commotion in the studios.

Later, in the cosmetics lab - we see Blojab Stinkyfinger in horrendous effeminate make-up being checked by a scientist for any negative reactions. Attached to his head are contraptions to read the physical and psychological effects. Through this machine we get a glimpse into his strange and lurid mind. He hallucinates that he's in a wild and sexy fashion shoot and he starts "vogue-ing" - working it hard and throwing some shapes in his little yellow jumpsuit. 
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